Query Reports ============================== The Reports endpoint allows you to submit GET requests to retrieve mPING reports and their attributes. It also allows you to provide query parameters in order to :doc:`filter ` results. You must have an API Key and agree to the appropriate license terms to use this API. Also certain types of reports (tornadoes, etc) will only be available to the NWS. These are the reports whose :doc:`Description <../description>` is marked "private". .. http:get:: /mping/api/v2/reports Get all available reports **Example request** .. sourcecode:: http GET /mping/api/v2/reports HTTP/1.0 Host: mping.ou.edu Accept: application/json Authorization: Token Your_API_Key **Query Parameters**: * for list of available query parameters see :doc:`filters` :reqheader Accept-Language: Optional: if need description entries in another language supported by the API :reqheader Content-Type: Optional: requested format type of response (default is json) :reqheader Authorization: Token Your_API_Key - must provide your api key for authorization **Example response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 20:44:02 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.9 Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en-us Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS { "count": 37, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 66681, "obtime": "2013-02-12T09:27:00Z", "category": "Rain/Snow", "description": "Rain", "description_id": 3, "geom": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -97.1462239, 33.1970531 ] } }, { "id": 66682, "obtime": "2013-02-12T09:42:00Z", "category": "Rain/Snow", "description": "Mixed Ice Pellets and Snow", "description_id": 10, "geom": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -101.86909, 33.50854 ] } }, { "id": 66683, "obtime": "2013-02-12T09:29:00Z", "category": "Rain/Snow", "description": "Sleet/Ice Pellets", "description_id": 7, "geom": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -101.8621469, 35.14763472 ] } }, { "id": 66684, "obtime": "2013-02-12T09:48:00Z", "category": "Rain/Snow", "description": "Drizzle", "description_id": 5, "geom": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -101.86924, 33.50853 ] } }, :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 401: Unauthorized - must supply an API Key :statuscode 403: Forbidden :resjson int count: The total number of reports matching your query :resjson string next: provides url to get next page of results otherwise null :resjson string previous: provides url to get previous page of results otherwise null :resjson array results: array of mPING reports matching your query :>jsonarr int id: primary id of mping report :>jsonarr datetime obtime: the date and time of the report in GMT :>jsonarr string category: the Category of the report :>jsonarr string description: the Description of the report :>jsonarr int description_id: the primary id of Description :>jsonarr geometry geom: provides the point location of the report