Filtering Reports ======================== This section descripts the filters, or query parameters, that are available to fine tune your mPING request results. Filters can be chained together using the & symbol to create powerful filtering capabilities. **ALL obtime FILTERS USE FORMAT YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AND ARE UTC** .. contents:: :local: Filters ======================== description ------------- case insensitive filter for Description name .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?description=1.50 description_contains --------------------- case insensitive filter looking for text in a Description name .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?description_contains=branch category ------------- case insensitive filter for Category name .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?category=Hail category_contains ------------------ case insensitive filter looking for text in a Category name .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?category_contains=damage obtime ------------------ filter reports with a specific datetime stamp .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?obtime=2012-02-20 03:00:00 obtime_gte/obtime_gt ---------------------- filter greater then or equal to/greater than the specified obtime .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?obtime_gte=2012-02-20 03:00:00 Will return all reports with obtime greater than or equal to Feb 2nd, 2012 0300Z obtime_lte/obtime_lt ---------------------- filter less then or equal to/less than the specified obtime .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?obtime_Lte=2012-02-20 03:00:00 Will return all reports with obtime less than or equal to Feb 2nd, 2012 0300Z year ---------------------- return all reports in specified year YYYY .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?year=2012 month ---------------------- return all reports in specified month MM .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?month=5 day ---------------------- return all reports on specified day of the month DD .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?day=2 hour ---------------------- return all reports with a specified hour HH .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?hour=12 minute ---------------------- return all reports with a specified minute MM .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?minute=15 olddbpk ---------------------- (Internal Use for Legacy Research) return the report with the specified pk from old database (Winter2012) .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?olddbpk=1026 Spatial Filters ================== geom__within ----------------- all reports within the supplied geometry (WKT, HEXEWKB, WKB (in a buffer), and GeoJSON format) .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?geom_within=POLYGON((-100.55 30.05,-98.6 40.39,-81.56 39.92,-81.56 29.95,-100.55 30.05)) in_bbox ----------------- all reports within supplied bounding box .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?in_bbox=-90.0,29.5,-89.0,35.5 distance from point --------------------- all reports within X meters (approximate) of point .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?dist=4000&point=-97.44,35.22 Will return all reports with 4000m (4km) of Norman,OK tile --------------------- filter reports by TMS tile address tile=zoom/x/y .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?tile=8/100/200 Will return all reports with 4000m (4km) of Norman,OK Chaining Filters ===================== Chain year and month ---------------------- Here is an example that will return all of the reports in the month of May in the year 2013. .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?year=2013&month=5 Chain category and month -------------------------- This example would return all of the Hail reports in the month of May. .. sourcecode:: http /mping/api/v2/reports?category=hail&month=5